Living in a more satisfying and resourceful way. It may be concerned with addressing and resolving specific problems, making decisions, coping with crisis, developing personal insight and knowledge, working through feelings of inner conflict or improving relationships with others. While using the Islamic teachings and values as a framework, the counselor’s role is to facilitate the client’s work in ways which respect the client’s values, personal resources, and capacity for self-determination.
It is an advice and support from AIFS for a person to more fully experience his or her spiritual nature. Spiritual questions and anxieties come from deep within, below mind and body consciousness, though they may perhaps manifest as panic attacks or aches in the body. Spiritual healing, working with both body and mind, will result in the client finding answers within themselves. It will enable them to achieve inner peace, from which can flow the results they have sought.
The purpose of counseling services is to help people discover more effective ways of living with themselves and achieving what they need from life. It offers the opportunity to explore important issues in a safe and confidential environment. In listening non-judgmentally, the counselor supports the necessary process of self-discovery and understanding. Through honestly exploring patterns of thought, feeling and behavior that may hold us back from living life to the full, we can discover our strengths and weaknesses. By relating this knowledge to the teachings of Islam, we will be able to cope with our difficulties and find our own solutions.